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Check 4 of our brand new features
Our hosts are verified hospitality experts, they offer much more than just a property. Browse not only properties, but also services the host can provide. All properties are provided with Host Reception services, from an emergency support line to luggage storage and concierge services. You can request any additional services through the TravelStaytion dashboard. Find out more
Entire properties only, provided from verified property managers and owners, exclusively meeting the TravelStaytion Standards, designed to cater to your accommodation needs. We partner only with those on a mission to provide the very best service, create special memories and to offer you the smoothest accommodation experience.
Start your trip with convenience and comfort. Book in advance and split the cost of your booking in up to 4 instalments. Secure your place by just paying 25% of the booking value. Terms & Conditions Apply.
Forget the hassle. Share the cost of your stay with up to 4 friends or family members. Simply send the payment invitation to them, once all members have paid you will receive an instant booking confirmation. You requested it, we thought it was cool, we created it. Terms & Conditions Apply.
Search and book your favourite place among 85.000 properties in more than 650 destinations around the world.
Let us handpick and offer you the best option for your stay.
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