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About me:
OTOCTONE was born out of this observation, these facts, this realisation of the pressing need to take time for oneself and give time to others. To offer the greatest of freedoms, that of being able to slow down the mad rush of a world in a jittery state. To provide a life-saving break in order to catch one’s breath and take time out... at long last. OTOCTONE's addresses have been designed to slow down this pace, this cadence, to provide its guests with the opportunity to put the brakes on gently, to have some down time, a time of discovery... and offer them the ultimate pastimes of, here, observing lakeside reeds intertwine and play with the light or, there, breathing in the woody scent of a scorching hot sauna and touching the reassuring warmth of the wood used to build a chalet dating back over a century. OTOCTONE’s addresses are an invitation to take the time to listen and hear the white noise of crunching footsteps in the snow, of thousands of grains of sand moving together to give birth to a vast sand dune, or the deafening silence of calm waters out at sea, as well as the hubbub of voices and the laughter of loved ones. Take the time for a break, the time to be attentive to oneself, to others and to nature all around. And in addition to the sounds, elements, shapes, lights, smells and scents... there is that unique feeling of discovering something sacred. After all, taking time out is also what the journey is all about.
Reasons to stay with us
Host Reception
Activity arrangements
Restaurant reservations
Property Highlights
Host Reception
Wash bedding and towel in water that's at least 60°C/140°F
Car / motorcycle / scooter rental service
Property Highlights
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